Monday, October 1, 2007

That's my boy!

Shawna and I were out shopping this past weekend and we'd taken the kids with us. Shawna was in the dressing room and I was sitting on a bench just outside it. Aaron was happily running back and forth from one 3 way mirror to another and when I turned my head again to check on him after giving my opinion on the pants Shawna just had on there he was, stopped dead in the middle of the dressing room lobby area - which is open to the rest of the store - his shirt hiked up to his shoulders, rubbing his nipples.

Somehow, while laughing, I managed to tell him to put his shirt down. We went up to pay and they had some Diego and Dora toys at the checkout, which of course he wanted to play with. One of them made music and my little boy, being a fan of all things bootyliscious wanted to rock out. Shawna and I look over as he says "Dance, Shawna, Dance!" and there he is, his little hips swaying to the music, his shirt lifted up and his fingers rubbing those nipples. The kid's got style!

It went a little something like this:

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